Apply job specialties required in New Brunswick Canada

specialties required in New Brunswick Canada

New recruitment event and Employment opportunities to apply in New Brunswick, Canada Career Expo, is an opportunity for those wishing to immigrate and work in Canada.

As the province of New Brunswick has launched a new event in order to attract skilled labor, and this program under the name of in-tac virtual career expo.

Even if you are not interested in this program, it can enrich your information about how to find a job in Canada.

Perhaps one of your friends will present to you an idea about immigration or how to find a job somewhere in Canada,then you can evaluate help for him as you have an idea about the subject ... The goal of the worldswin website is to provide information and advice to help those interested in immigration and those looking for job in Canada and other countries.

Immigration and work in Canada is a dream for many, especially everyone who has certificates and experience in the specialties required in Canada. in-tac virtual career expo.

Know more

List of occupations required within this program or the event to apply immigrate and work in New Brunswick, Canada

First, you must know that the National Occupational Classification (NOC) system for classifying jobs and (occupations).

Jobs are grouped based on the type of job duties:

- The work a person does
 From it you get to know the list of jobs or sectors requested by the province and in what field that job.

The National Occupational Classification system in Canada means that it acts as an identifier for each case in a vacancy application so that it is easy for the job seeker in Canada to easily identify the job offer when a worker application program is opened in any Canadian province.

 - This job specialties that are required in New Brunswick Canada

2132 - Mechanical engineers
2134 - Chemical engineers
2147 - Computer engineers
2171 - Information systems analysts and consultants
2172 - Database analysts and data administrators
2173 - Software engineers and designers
2174 - Computer  and Interactive  Media Developers
2175 - Web designers and developers
2281 - Computer network technician
2283 - Computer Systems Assessors
3012 - Registered Nurses and Psychiatric
3233 - Licensed employee nurses

To find out if you are qualified to find the job field within this event or program, you only need to enter the registration platform and then apply the NOC of each job.

- Recruitment event and Employment opportunities in New Brunswick, Canada Career Expo.

What you will need when register

A copy of the passport
A visa if you live in a country other than your country of origin.
Language test results in case you have passed a language test such as the IELTS or TOEFL.
Equivalency of certificates, it is required only when you have applied for it.
Canadian CV/Resume.
The language in Canada English or French or both .
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