Description Overview Job Vacancies
Supermarket Jobs in Singapore. Singapore has 4 main supermarket chains with varying focuses. Some have their emphasis on low prices while other offer excellent quality meal, others focus on fresh fruit and vegetables and some offering online delivery.
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The main brands include:
Vacancies In Supermarket , Sheng Siong - there are 33 branches of this chain although most are in the heartlands of the country.
Cold Storage - there are 48 stores which are located in large expat communities.
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FairPrice Finest - there are 15 outlets which are in major shopping centers.
Giant - Giant offers many outlets all over the country with both small stores and hypermarkets.
Market Place - this is a high end supermarket
Jasons - this is another high end supermarket
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Singapore's supermarkets offer jobs Avialable
Shelf stacking
Customer service
Human resources
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skills required for supermarket jobs in Singapore depend on the position applied for.
Basic level positions usually only require a good level of high school education while more senior posts almost always require the applicant to hold a degree in a related subject as well as considerable experience in the retail industry.
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Good customer service skills are essential when working in any of Singapore's supermarkets and computer literacy is also key to several roles, especially those in administration.
Communication skills are very important, especially for jobs which involve contact with the public, and for certain posts, industry specific qualifications may also be required.