Learn how to successfully pass a job interview

pass a job interview

When applying for a job interview? There is a question always asked to the applicant, learn how to answer it. So in this article, you will learn how to answer HR questions and prepare yourself well for a successful job interview.

Pass a job interview successfully

- In any job interview, or any opportunity where a large number of applicants are nominated for limited job positions, a natural question arises: Why should I choose you? Any convinced me that you are the best deserving of this opportunity, how do you answer the question?

- People make the expected mistake and fall into the trap of talking about themselves!

Do not talk about yourself first, talk about the party asking the question, how you can help it and provide it with your experiences, how you will make a difference and add to the work or opportunity.

Then talk about yourself and how you are a suitable candidate for that job.

Stay away from general statements. Give examples and be specific and detailed.

You must know information about the company or entity that you intend to work with, so you know the organizational structure of the company and accordingly you know your next position.

Choose the right words to answer the questions

Whoever writes general words such as (I want to learn - to develop myself - increase my experience - I have a passion in the field - I want to improve my income - I have creative creative ideas - a breakthrough for a better world..etc.) These are not all reasons for choosing you over others.. These are matters It should already be there.

But if I mention a precise detail, such as I am currently working in a field, and this training or job will help me improve a skill, so I can enter a new field of work.

This reason is more convincing, showing that the person speaking knows what he wants and what he will get, which makes him a suitable candidate.

- Focus on your skills and qualifications that allow you to make the addition to the position .
HR will not hire you because you have enthusiasm and energy! These are basics, but he will hire you if you have skills he is looking for such as problem solving, teamwork, high knowledge in a particular tool, previous experience in a similar field.

 It's important for the recruiter to know that you know what work they're doing and that it's not random, of course!

This makes your chance of success in a job interview great or convincing to get the position.
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