50 most important questions and answers about personal interview to get a job

job interview questions

When you apply for a personal interview with a company to get a job, a committee or a person representing the company will be waiting for you and they will ask you questions to know the extent of the applicant’s ability according to the skill, work need and flexibility, so this is a helpful guide about the questions that will be asked to you during the interview to get a job.

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The 50 most important questions and answers about the personal interview to get a job

1- Talk about yourself

Talk about your previous achievements and highlight your skills related to the position you are applying for and your interests. Know that you have little time to answer, so limit and summarize your talk and stay away from mentioning aspects that do not have any impact such as your name, age, etc...

 2- What are your biggest weaknesses?

Mention your weaknesses with the importance of clarifying that you are currently working to strengthen them through training or empowerment, i.e. what is known as coaching and other solutions. Each of us has weaknesses, so be careful not to deny that.

3- What are your biggest strengths?

List your strengths, skills and qualifications, especially those related to the job.

4- Where do you see yourself in the next five years?

There are two answers to this question, and it depends on the person interviewing for the job:
The first answer is to link your future to the company and he has to mention that you want to develop yourself to be one of the leaders of this company after five years. The second answer is to mention your own future projects if you are looking forward to that and this means that you are showing them that your ambition is very high and you want to invest in yourself in the long term. Here the difference emerges, as the first answer shows that your ambition is limited to the company only.
From my point of view, you have an answer that is also related to the society and country in which you live and where the company offering the job offer is located.

5- What are your future goals?

The answer here is close to the answer to the previous question (Where do you see yourself in the next five years), but in more detail by mentioning future goals for you as educational qualifications or international accreditations aimed at obtaining them to develop your work and raise your ability to reach higher positions in the company in addition to any other future goals you want. If you also have a personal development plan (EDP), mention it.

6- Of all the candidates, why should we hire you?

In other words, what are the aspects that distinguish you from others, and here you must mention all your personal capabilities with the most important and most prominent skills that distinguish you from others and are available only to you, whether they are distinguished educational qualifications or previous practical experiences or any other unique skills that will enable you to perform the job and work professionally.

7- How did you hear about the vacancy?

Isn't the goal to know how you applied for the job, but to know your interest in the company and search for work in it because of your desire to work in this company... Companies prefer the person who is looking for a job in their company in particular and not someone who is looking for work only.

8- Why do you want this job?

Here you must mention your goal for this job. If it is within your career path that you have planned for yourself, mention that, you can also answer that your qualifications, capabilities and practical experience are compatible and appropriate to the requirements of the job.

9- What do you know about our company?

Here, before entering the personal interview, you must get to know the company, its work environment, its products, its activity and other other information, through their website and social media, searching the Internet, or asking some friends who know or work in that company.

  10- Why do you want a job and work in our company?

Focus well in your answer on the work environment and areas of development and other things and stimulating information such as that the work environment in the company is stimulating and there is room for development and career advancement, etc. of your staff about it.

11- What do you consider your greatest professional achievement?

List here the biggest achievement you have achieved during your career

12- Tell me about a difficult situation that happened to you at work and how you overcame it

Here you must use the START method, which is to mention the situation and then what is your task in this situation, then remember what action you took and finally what is the result.

13- Tell me about the last time your co-worker or customer got angry with you. how did you act

Here, the committee wants to know how you deal with an angry person. Are you the type who blames others, or are you one of the people who control the situation and prefer to solve the problem instead of blaming others?

14- Describe your dream job

What job would you like to get to as the last job in your career path?

15- Why do you want to leave your current job?

Link your leaving your previous job with the desire to search for a development opportunity and greater challenges to develop your abilities and skills.

16- What kind of work environment do you like the most?

Mention the specifications of a work environment close to the work environment of the company and the job you applied for.

17-Tell me about the toughest decision you've made in the last six months

The objective of this question is to assess the candidate's ability to think, problem-solving skills and control the situation and possibly even willingness to take an intelligent risk.

18- What motivates you?

List the things that motivate you through your previous experiences and these are examples: overcoming challenges, finding ways to solve problems, completing difficult tasks, learning new skills, working in a team.

19- What is your leadership style?

One of the difficult questions is best answered by citing previous examples of leadership that you encountered, such as motivating the team, participating in solving problems, and supporting them to accomplish tasks and other things.

20- Tell me about a time when you did not agree with a decision, what did you do?

None of us agree with all decisions, sometimes accompanying decisions that do not fit, but you must convince others of your disagreement with that by presenting evidence and proofs, and here the main goal of the question is to share your opinion with others and search for solutions and not stick to your opinion.

21- How would others describe you?

People's view of you and what they describe it as, it is not a condition that all people like you, so mention the facts and classify them if you ask for it.

22- What can we expect from you during 30, 60, 90, from the first day?

Hard work and diligence to obtain the largest amount of information, whether at the company level or at the work level, from tasks, duties and responsibilities, as well as rapid harmony and adaptation in the job with the work environment and colleagues, presenting new ideas and developing the current work through my skills, abilities and previous practical experience.

23- What do you like to do outside work hours?

Your other interests and here try to focus on things that will develop your knowledge and skills.

24- What is your salary in your last job?

The salary you received in your last job.

25- What are your expectations for the salary range?

Select a salary range according to your qualifications and work experience and compare the salary rate in the labor market related to your chosen job title.

26- A snail in a well thirty feet deep, every day climbs three feet, but at night it climbs two feet, how many days will it take to get out of the well

The goal is not to solve the question in the right way, but the goal is your ability to solve problems and your insistence on solving the problem instead of standing on the problem and leaving it unresolved or transferring it to others.

27- What did you like best about your previous job?

Mention the advantages of the previous work environment

28- What did you not like about your previous job?

Do not mention the company or its manager badly, make your answer related to the halt in development.

29- Do you have a personal message

Mention your career goal that you wrote in your CV.

30- Tell me about the last mistake you made at work

State a mistake you made and how the situation was handled.

31- Describe a time when your boss was wrong and how you handled this situation

The point of this question is to find out how you would act in situations where your line manager would make mistakes.

32- What do you think of your ex-manager?

Beware of mentioning your former manager badly, even if he was not good with you.

33- What do you really think about your previous job?

List the advantages of your previous work with challenges, achievements, motivators, and others.

34- What do you think of the company you were employed in?

List the advantages of the company in which you were working from the work environment and so on.

35- Do you want to work alone or in teams?

Try to match your answer to the job you are applying for. If the job requires working within a work team, mention that you want to work within a work team.

36- Describe to us a dispute that occurred between you and your former manager and how you dealt with it

The goal of this question is to know your ability to control things and how to deal with your manager in the event of a dispute between you in the future.

37- How do you deal with the pressure of the job and work?

You can mention that you deal with work pressure by preparing a work plan and distributing tasks to the work team and then making the effort to complete the work according to the required standards, in addition to reviewing the tasks and making sure that there are no mistakes, you may be asked
Real-world example through your previous experiences.

38- Are you ready to commute to work?

Knowing your willingness to move between the company's branches.

39- Are you ready to travel while working?

Find out how willing you are to travel frequently if your job requires it.

40- Are you a leader or a follower?

Do you want to lead a work team or be a member of the team and here depends on the type of job.

41- How do you make decisions?

Knowing your decision-making style and whether it is according to a deliberate process or urgent decisions.

42- What are you most proud of?

An achievement in your life.

43- Would you rather take risks?

Are you a folding type who prefers to take risks and like to discover new things?

44- Do you have a personal development plan?

Having a personal development plan shows that you are a person who walks with plans and has goals.

45- Do you have a career path

Having a career path shows that you are a person with drawn plans and a purpose.

46- How do you deal with change?

The goal of the question is to know your direction towards the change process, are you resistant to change or are you one of the people who like to change for the better.

47- What values ​​would you add to this job?

What will you add to the function of development?

48- When can you start working with us

Suggested starting date for the new position with the company.

49- What questions did I not ask you?

List the special aspects of your working life in case you haven't mentioned them before.

50- Do you have any questions to ask me?

Ask about the work environment and career progression, not the salary.

These are the most important and most frequently asked questions, along with their answers, to the personal midwife in obtaining a job in a company.
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