Canada the most acceptable destination for immigrants in the world

Canada the most acceptable destination for immigrants in the world

Canada is the first and most accepting country in the world for immigrants, surpassing countries such as the United States, Iceland, Australia, Sierra Leone, Burkina Faso, Sweden,Chad, Ireland, Rwanda and more other countries in terms of health matters.

Who attributes this classification?

Gallup Institute for Immigration Statistics is the one that has the classification, and this is an overview of the institution:

The Gallup Foundation is a global analytics and advice company that helps leaders and organizations solve their most pressing problems.

Canada has a very good score of 8.46 out of 9 on the Immigrant Acceptance Index.The scores are more than a reflection of the number of immigrants each country welcomes over a year.

This classification is based on three questions about immigration that have been included, dealing with whether people believe that immigrants living in their country will become their Neighbors, and whether marrying their families is considered good or bad things.

The answer was that it was good things, and the majority of Canadians generally said that immigrants who live in Canada become their Neighbors and that marrying their families is considered good things.

More than 95 per cent of Canadians said that welcoming immigrants into their neighbourhoods is a good thing. This is what made the matter as a popular referendum.

It is worth noting that in Canada, there were no real statistically significant differences between age groups, compared to other countries, and this turned the scale in favour of Canada as the most acceptable destination for immigrants in the world.

Undoubtedly, Canada has gained a good reputation for accepting and welcoming foreign immigrants into Canadian society over recent years, as we mention Canada and since the beginning of the Corona epidemic it has received more than 1000 refugees, this is what makes many immigrants prefer Canada.

We also do not forget that in the year 2019 alone, Canada received more than 313,580 immigrants, of different nationalities, and embraced many new immigrants from countries such as: the United States of America, India, China, the Philippines and Nigeria.
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