Ways Give You US Citizenship

US Citizenship

Marriage to an American citizen;
As long as you are married to a citizen / citizen over the age of 18, you have the right to obtain US citizenship as a husband. You are placed under probation for two years. Marriage is required to be real and not to be valid.

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Lottery Prize

The Lottery is a prize offered by the US government each year. In order for citizens of different nationalities to obtain US citizenship, the lottery requires that the person be an adult and has a recognized educational certificate and has a monthly income.

The birth of a child in America

If a child is born to non-American parents within the borders of America, the child becomes an American citizen without conditions and his parents are entitled to be with him and they also obtain US citizenship after the child reaches the legal age.

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America requires full residence, investing at least $ 500,000 on its territory, investing in a remote area of ​​the country and providing jobs for at least 10 people. Investing in major cities must be at least $ 1 million, and the right For a person to obtain US citizenship after 5 years of residence.

Service in the armed forces

The United States gives its citizenship to all those who have volunteered in the US military for at least three years, and after that will be a US citizen with all the advantages.

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 Work as a government employee

America grants its nationality to those who have spent at least three consecutive years working in one of their government departments and have paid their full taxes, and have no bills or penalties.

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Political asylum
One of the easy ways that some resort to is the political asylum of America, where he can make a full stay and get simple aid from the government to find work for himself, and after five years, and if proven good intentions and ethics, can get US citizenship.

 US Citizenship Test

After 5 years in America, a non-US citizen is entitled to claim a US citizenship form. This form contains questions and answers set by the US government to test the citizen's discipline and whether he or she can obtain citizenship.
conditions application us visa
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