Write and share your travel experience on worldswin

share your travel experience with worldswin

If you are writer, Photographer, Vlogger or normal person who love travel ?

Do you want to share your travel or trip experience with other travelers, be a travel guide and offer travel tips for those who want to.

Be featured on our website and shared your trip with an audience from the  travelers in many destinations around the world to provide advice to readers.

Share your travel story with us and we will re-publish it on the blog and under the article we will put your name.

To enrich the content of travel experiences by visitors and readers of the Website, by writing about the things that accompanied your trip in any destination and country you went to.

We love to share your work ! When you write with us, you get published to an audience of travelers around the world  with links to your blog, socials, whatever! Email us some topics, about countries, or cities you would like to write on it or that you visit about along with your videos if there .

It can tell readers, for example, about a unique trip to discover a country or a city.. and how to prepare for trip planning with the travel information you needed and requirements, in addition to instructions and advice about the status of the trip, dates, and whether there are visas and transit permits.

Mention in the topic the place of the trip and its duration. You should also describe the place you went to or the country. By writing this, you are doing an interesting type of literature, which is the literature of the trip. So describe the place you go to and the most important situations that you encountered there.
You should also mention the most important benefits that you made on your trip and describe your feeling as well and what made you enjoy it the most...etc.

Also, as a worker, you can put your experience at work and describe it, in which city you work, and how life is in the country or city in which you are located...etc.

Here are some things we look for when any want join the team:
- An active person
- Good grammar and mastery of the English language (exceptions in some cases when it makes sense)
- Practical advice based on experience
Ideally, we work with people who can commit to regular posts and are interested in a relationship rather than a one-off post. We are always open to the rules when it makes sense, so if you want to write your travel ,trip experience  , email us and tell us why.

NB : The article must have above 500 words plus clear images and videos.