Tips on how to obtain a study permit in Canada

study permit in Canada

A comprehensive explanation with tips on how to obtain a study permit in Canada, for all those who are interested and do not know where to start, this will serve as a guide to start your journey to study in Canada.Cities pay you to live in Do you want immigration ?

* Obtaining a visa does not require passing the French or English language test for many specialties. But there are other things related to the personality of the immigration officer who will talk to you.

The steps to obtaining a study permit in Canada go through 3 stages:

The stage of obtaining university admission.
The stage of obtaining the acceptance certificate (if study in Quebec only)
The stage of paying the visa file fee.

 (In Quebec, all documents are in French).
Below are each stage in details with tips for study permit

- Application for university or institute admission
The application for admission to the institute is for those who have a third general secondary level or a high technician.
 - University admission application for those who have a high technical certificate or a baccalaureate / high school diploma, a bachelor's or a master's degree.
- University admission application.

The university education system in Canada has 3 levels.
In short, the holder of a high school/ bachelor's or master's degree will find in front of him 3 options, which are baccalaureate, masters and doctorate.

To request university admission to study the baccalaureate/high school , that is, you must choose the appropriate specialization and be close to the specialization in which you are currently studying or a baccalaureate certificate.

For example, you have a baccalaureate/high school diploma in commerce and marketing.Free study in Norway !

For those who wish to complete their master’s studies, they are required to study after high school with 4 years or more, and it is better that the overall average for the years he studied is rather strong.Requirements for Study Migration BC, Canada

Registration is online and all admission requirements are paid with a Visa or MasterCard. The registration requirements differ from one university to another.

Obtaining an acceptance certificate is easy, but before making the application, you must carefully read the admission requirements so as not to make a mistake and get rejected.

As for the required documents

Birth certificate, baccalaureate and general secondary certificates, transcript of points for completing the stage and university years, and all documents must be translated into French or English.Travel to Romania to study and get accommodation

For semesters in Canada, there are 3 semesters:

Winter semester: the beginning of the study in January.
Summer semester: the beginning of the study in May.
️- Fall Semester: Beginning of the study in September.
When you receive the acceptance certificate, you can request a postponement of the course (for Quebec only)

* For study in the province of Quebec, an admission permit must be requested from the province of Quebec.Ranking of universities in Canada

After you obtain acceptance from the university or institute, you request a certificate of acceptance from the Canadian immigration website. (The acceptance certificate is for study in the province of Quebec only, for other provinces it does not exist.)Apply work in Canada through tourist visa !

After completing the required file, it remains to pay the student visa file by applying online.
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