Apply maritime jobs in vessels Höegh Autoliners

jobs in vessels Höegh Autoliners

The maritime field, especially working within a series of ship types for transportation and cargo across the ocean and deep sea, seaman should be skilled and highly skilled in addition to experience, if you are interested in job opportunities.

You can see the career opportunities available by Höegh Autoliners and apply through the means that the company puts on job seekers in many destinations.

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Info about Höegh Autoliners company

Ships from Höegh Autoliners worldwide shipping services and cargo, specializing in deep sea transportation services across many vessels Ro / Ro. . The company owns and operates 45 Pure Car and Truck Carrier (PCTCs) in global trading systems, and the primary customers of Höegh Autoliners for freight fleet are major manufacturers of new cars, heavy machinery, and other railroad cars. Höegh Autoliners is also a leading provider of used vehicle transportation.

Open jobs available within the range vessel of Hoegh Autoliners, Fleet Cargo

To work within the Hoegh Hutoliners team is to be a part of highly professional and professional. Ships transport goods overseas and between all continents to their final destination. For this acquired skill to work like a seaman on the board of cargo ships, it brings the worker closer at sea or on land to complement the roles between them to make the work successful. Global trade within Hoegh Autoliners for cargo freight is the daily route of the marine business, and the seaman is an important component of the career cycle of the company's growth.

Jobs in sea on vessel Ro/Ro transportation services, with experience in the shipping industry.

Crew job opportunities/Positions

For crew positions, there are crewing offices in this destionations providing to job seekers to know and apply foe the positions :

- Office in Philippines

Höegh Fleet Services Philippines (HFSP);
Send your CV to:

- Office in China

Höegh Fleet Services China (HFSC);
Send your CV to:

Open jobs available within the range  vessel of Hoegh Hutoliners, Fleet Cargo

 Find out the list of jobs and positions available in the maritime office workers jobs category.

Inside Sales Representative

Destination : United States

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Cargo Planner, East Asia

Destination : Japan

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Integration Developer

Destination : Philippines

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Communications Manager

Destination : Philippines

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Crew Support Assistant

Destination : Philippines

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IT Java Developer

Destination : Philippines

View and Apply

If you do not find an opportunity about the department or field in which you want to work, you can visit the application portal that the company puts for interested job seekers, with sending a CV that is written in a professional form so that it is not ignored by the reviewers in the company.

If there are no open office positions you are interested in and you want to register your CV, you can register it in the application portal that company provide.

Disclaimer : Dear reader , worldswin website are not involved at any part of recruitment stage .
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