Jobs Vacancies Wanted in Norway - Submit

f you are a foreign jobseeker wishing to work in Norway, you are probably wondering where to start.

Work in Norway

If you are a foreign jobseeker wishing to work in Norway, you are probably wondering where to start. Where can you find vacant positions? You will find good information on worldswin.blogspot  that can help you.

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Job seeking 

The majority of vacancies in Norway are listed on the Internet. All job vacancies published in Norway can be found in the NAV job database.Working in Norway enables you to earn a high income compared to most European countries. Norway is a country of economic well-being, with an average income of  around $ 80,000 per year, and a range of professions in Norway.

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The professions and jobs currently required in Norway are as follows:

1 - profession doctor in all disciplines, the average income of $ 10,000 per month.

2 - nursing profession, where the average nurse income in Norway is $ 5000 per month.

3 - Dentists The average income of this job is about 7500 dollars per month.

4 - Engineers in the field of oil and gas.

5. Technicians in the field of Informatics and Computer Science.

6 - Engineers in the fields of electronics, mechanics and electricity.

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Depending on your qualifications and field of expertise, look for work on this Norwegian employment site and migrate to it after obtaining approval

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