Opportunities  to work in Canada
Every year, tens of thousands of newcomers create new economic opportunities for themselves and for Canada by joining this country’s labour force. Many come to stay in Canada permanently (as permanent residents) through Canada’s immigration programs for skilled workers, or through the Provincial Nominee Program operated by many of Canada’s provinces and territories. Other newcomers come to Canada to start their own business or to work temporarily to help Canadian employers address short- term requirements for employees in specifi c occupations. If you decide to apply to come to Canada through any of the programs described below, all the information and forms you need are available at no charge on the Citizenship and Immigration

Come to Canada —One of the best countries in the world!

Canada is consistently ranked as one ofthe best countries in the world to live. It is easy tounderstand why thousands of people choose Canada every year. From its strong, stable economy and vibrant,cosmopolitan cities to the breathtaking beauty of its natural environment, Canada off ers newcomers opportunities and a quality of life that are second to none.

Skilled workers
If you have skills and experience that meet Canada’s labour market needs, you may qualify for permanent resident status in Canada under the Federal Skilled Worker Program. Other factors, including education, the ability to speak English or French well, and whether you have an off er of employment are also considered. Th e CIC website has an interactive tool that will help you determine whether you meet the basic requirements. If you answer a few simple questions, the website tool will let you know whether you may be eligible for this program, and what other options may be available to you

Working in Canada temporarily Every year, thousands of people enter Canada to work temporarily through the Temporary Foreign Worker Program. Temporary workers help Canadian employers address shortages of people with particular skills or work experience. As a temporary foreign worker, you may eventually become eligible to apply for

Canada Immigration and Visa Jobs

permanent resident status in Canada. In fact, the Canadian Experience Class wascreated in 2008 to off er some temporary foreign workers the opportunity to stay inCanada on a permanent basis. In order to work temporarily at most jobsin Canada, you need a work permit. You may also need a temporary resident visa. To find out whether you need a visa

Staying in Canada — The Canadian Experience   Class

If you are a temporary worker in Canada,you may already have the knowledge,skills and experience you need to qualify for permanent resident status in Canada under the Canadian Experience Class. Under this program, temporary workersin certain occupations can apply for permanent residence after gaining experience in a Canadian workplace. In addition, applications through the Canadian Experience Class can be made while you continue to live and work in Canada.

Your rights as an employee in Canada

Canada has laws that protect every worker, including temporary workers from other countries. Among other rotections, these laws set standards for fair pay, hours of work, rest periods and workplace safety. Your employer cannot take your passport or work permit away from you. Every province and territory in Canada has an offi ce that deals with labour and employment laws. If you have concerns about fair pay, your hours of work, rest periods or other questions, talk to someone at the employment or labour standards offi ce near you. You do not need your employer’s permission to contact an employment or a labour standards offi ce, or to visit its website. Th ey cannot punish you or have you deported for doing so. To fi nd a list of provincial and territorial labour standards offi ces, and for more information on your rights as an employee

Contact us

In Canada

You can call the CIC Call Centre at 1-888-242-2100 (toll-free) for more information. Th e automated voice response system can provide you with answers to general questions 24 hours a day. You can also speak to an agent during normal business hours. If you are hard of hearing and you use a text telephone, you can access theTTY  ; service at 1-888-576-8502 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. your local time.

Outside Canada

You can contact the Canadian embassy, high commission or consulate

responsible for your region. Help us serve you better! Tell us what you
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